Thursday, May 9, 2013

THS News #17

Long Time, No See

It's been a long time since we've talked about, well, anything really. The only reason for this was because we wanted to release the Season Finale (Episode 15) of Requiem before we decided to do anything else, and there's a reason as to why we decided on this. But now that that's out of the way, we can finally talk about what we plan on doing.

So get ready! Loads of plans inbound!

Plans T, H, and S

We've got loads of updates that we plan on doing here at THS HQ. So let's get this list started, and then we'll explain each plan.

1) Site & Channel Update
2) THS Music
3) THS Shorts
4) New Machinima Series
5) New Machinima
6) Older Machinimas
7) THS Group

All sound good right? That's because they do! Now let us explain each of these:

1) Site & Channel Update
Basically, this site will get updated. New banner. New tabs. Easier navigation. So to sum that up, new looks and easier navigation (yes, we said that twice). Our YouTube channel will just be getting a new background. Expect this to happen sometime soon (as in this week or next). Note that we may add other things as we see fit, but these are the primary things we're adding.

2) THS Music
This is a maybe. We've got this guy, a cool guy (like all our guys), that loves to make music. We've been thinking about having him make some of our music. This may or may not happen. All depends on what kinds of music he can do, what kind of genre he can do, and if he even wants to do it.

3) THS Shorts
We seriously needed to do something in this area, and with Halo 4 being out and nothing else better to do, we can finally do more of these. More frequent ones, and better ones too. We're planning on what to do right now, so don't expect any anytime soon, but just know they will definitely come.

4) New Machinima Series
You enjoy Halo 4's Multiplayer? Hate it? Like the newest updates/playlists that are added/taken out? Don't? Whatever the answer, we've got two characters to speak just about those things and more, in a funny manner. One loves everything in Halo 4's Multiplayer, while the other hates everything in Halo 4's Multiplayer. See both point of views about everything in Halo 4's Multiplayer from two regular players. And that basically sums up what this new Machinima series will be about. Don't expect it anytime soon, but do know that it's being worked on.

5) New Machinima
This is an early work-in-progress idea. We're not even sure if it's going to happen or not. But its script is being worked on (by that cool guy that may or may not make some music for us), and the idea is definitely being considered to be worked on.

6) Older Machinimas
Ever wondered what happened to Newbies 101 and SpaceSports? Well, we worked on just Requiem so much, that we completely ignored these two. We're planning on undoing that. SpaceSports will still take place in Halo Reach, and Newbies 101 will still take place in Halo 3. We're not sure how long SpaceSports will overall last, but we do know when we want to end Newbies 101. We're not going to leave Newbies 101 unfinished. So just know that these two are being worked on.

7) THS Group
This group will allow you to talk about THS-related stuff. If you'd like to talk about Requiem's most recent episodes, give some theories about the future, talk about the characters, talk about our current Machinima projects, give ideas, have us join in on the conversation, etc... then this is what you're going to want. It's basically a THS Forum. We'll give more information about this later (when we update this site).

And that's what we've got planned. Hope you're getting excited about at least one of them! Now onto the next topic.

Requiem's Future

If you've read any of the above, then you'll hopefully understand why we wanted to finish Season 1 of Requiem before doing any of those things. And in case you haven't already, make sure to check out the Season Finale (Episode 15) of Requiem!

We'd also like to thank everyone that helped make Requiem Season 1 possible! Check out Requiem's Season 1's Full Credits to see all who helped!

Now for Requiem's future. Firstly, we will be releasing "Requiem: Prologue [Full]" sometime either this weekend or next week. We will be adding it to a new playlist called "Requiem - The Eden Chronicles". Loads of history is made on the planet Eden (the planet that Requiem takes place), and we plan on doing a few Machinimas (all using Halo Reach) in the future to show the history that is made. But not anytime soon. These will be the latest Machinimas that we will make.

Secondly... Season 2. Will it happen? Well... Moving on...


And that's the end of this THS News! Loads upon loads of information was talked about! And now we'll just leave it with a cliffhanger!

Until next time...

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