Thursday, June 14, 2012

THS News #14

New Pages!

In case you haven't noticed yet, yesterday we were adding two new pages to our Blog. One is "THS Commendations" and the other is "Requiem". We'll talk about the "Requiem" page next. The "THS Commendations" page is commendations that we created. While we can expect some of the Onyx one's not to happen (that's why they're Onyx, because they're either rare or hard/time consuming to get), we're hoping to at least get all the Silvers... eventually.


First off, HBO was kind enough once again to add the eighth episode of Requiem to their site a few days ago:

Secondly, the "Requiem" page. Requiem is our main Machinima series and we believe it needs it's own page. So, now it does! This page will, firstly, tell you all the planned release dates of almost every planned episode coming out (which means not all episodes will be up; we do plan on keeping some secret so you don't know if it's the end or not). Secondly, this page will give you info about the plot. Thirdly, it will give you a (much smaller and not as cool) text link to Requiem's playlist. And last but not least, this page will give you separate link (and the description) of each and every released episode. At first, this page may not seem like much, but it will be much more in the end.

And while we're at it, let's give you the planned episode release dates right now:
Episode 9 - 6/18/12
Episode 10 - 6/27/12
Episode 11 - 7/7/12
Episode 12 - 7/15/12
Episode 13 - 7/23/12
Episode 14 - 7/31/12
Remember these are planned, and may change. These are planned and we will be releasing them on these dates. We've recently looked at the dates we need to release the last episode, and if that's to happen, we need these episodes to be released on these dates. So actually expect these planned dates to actually happen. We're getting off our lazy arses and working more (it's summer vacation too, so there's no excuses at all). While Episode 9 is around the corner, Episode 14 may seem so far away. But it'll be here sooner than you think (because summer vacation always flies by).

SpaceSports & THS Shorts?

We had the clips, we just needed to record, then our THS Laptop died, then we needed space for Requiem's Body Acting film clips (which neither will be a problem anymore since we have much more space now). SpaceSports is slow and will happen... eventually. When we get some break time from working on Requiem, we'll be sure to release the next episode of SpaceSports!

As for THS Shorts, we had the script for a new one, but once again, THS Laptop's fault. We will have more THS Shorts happening, but not right now.

It Ain't Happening

Unfortunately, when our THS Laptop became stupid with us, we lost all the scripts for everything (except Requiem, because we just cautious enough to save them on a Flash Drive, Thank God). So, the Zeta Halo Terminal isn't happening. We're sad we're not going to. We had that script all done, which was a lot of happening going on in that Machinima, and now it's gone. The Zeta Halo Terminal is cancelled.

Also, Newbies 101's script were all gone too, but luckily we have episodes 5's, 6's, and 7's scripts written on paper long ago. But the rest of the episodes will have to be written again, which we will do... eventually.


A lot of news was told. 90% of it awesome, with 10% of "Oh Well". Make sure to check out those new pages and be back on 6/18/12 (Monday) to watch the newest episode of Requiem!

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