Tuesday, April 3, 2012

THS News #12


It's a shame that Requiem's March Madness really never went and dived into its madness and unleashed it. It's our fault. We took a vacation. But the fourth and fifth episodes of Requiem was really mad by themselves. Some really cool editing, tons of action, new secrets revealed, and even a comedic line. But we are sorry that the sixth episode of Requiem wasn't released like we promised (3 episodes a month remember?), and that really sucks. It's a really good part of the madness. But fear not! The sixth episode of Requiem will be up on our YouTube channel really soon. As in this Saturday, the 7th... of April.

While three episodes a month was our plan, still is actually, the eighth, and ninth episodes of Requiem will not be released in April. We are terribly sorry for this inconvenience. Three good reasons why:
1) Body acting was messed up. Redo is required.
2) Amazing editing that will make you shit bricks!
3) We need to take a break from Requiem and work on our other Machinima projects
Simply put, zombies exploding into confetti just doesn't make a bit a lick of sense (though funny).

But we didn't say anything about the seventh, now did we? What? You though we couldn't count? Please... The seventh episode will be released sometime in the middle of April. And maybe, just maybe, the eighth episode of Requiem will be released at the end of April. Keep your fingers crossed.

Newbies 101, SpaceSports, and A THS Short

Though we won't be working on Requiem for all of April (mostly), it doesn't mean we're going to be lazy (we've already done enough of that so far). Expect a new Newbies 101 episode (did Dex and Peanut survive training?), a new episode of SpaceSports (about time!), and a new THS Short (time to get a rug burn!). Get happy about those!

Ummm... Zeta Halo Terminal? Or Did You Forget?

Ummm... No. We didn't. That Machinima is taking time. Much time. First, the forging isn't done. At all. Second, 3 lines are not enough. Not even close. And thirdly, we're in no rush at all to work on this. While it will be interesting, definitely different, we're really more interested in Requiem. And the above mentioned Machinima projects won't take as long. Not nearly.

And that's it for this THS News! Some good stuff was said. Some sad stuff about Requiem was said. But overall, another good THS News!

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